
Tech Hive is a software company in Alexandria. They are specialists in their field by providing top-quality services in every aspect of the tech industry, It was established in 2021, to offer the best software products and services possible quality for their clients. tech hive has been one of Udjat’s marketing agency clients since 2021 and we’ve achieved a lot.

software company in Alexandria logo consists of the letters T and H in a light blue color and the word tech hive with black background

Our journey With Tech Hive 

Tech Hive has been one of Udjat’s marketing agency clients since 2021. it operates in the software industry in Alexandria, Egypt.

Marketing strategy for the software company in Alexandria

Developing a long-term plan for attaining a company’s goals through consumer understanding and the creation of a distinct competitive advantage. It includes everything from determining their ideal customers to deciding how to approach them and the best marketing and advertising activities.

SWOT Analysis

To evaluate Tech Hive’s business performance including as a software company in Alexandria that operate in a competitive market(strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)

Identifying what makes tech hive special and what avoiding it from performing better like lowest performing services, as well as external opportunities and future threats that are assisting to develop strategic goals.

the 4 key elements of marketing

Depending on four major factors: product, price, location, and promotion establishing how to deliver a product that satisfies their audience’s needs, the right cost for their service and products besides the best places to sell them as well as identifying the finest promotional strategies and places.

(SMART) Goals

We used the SMART method to define their marketing and business goals in this method their goals must be.
Specific: providing precise information to assess opportunities and dangers.
Measurable: may be measured using metrics to determine progress
Achievable: it is not impossible and can be accomplished by working groups.
Relevant: to the goals and difficulties of the business
Time-based: can be configured for a specific time period.

Marketing Budget 

As a marketing agency, We guided them in aligning their budget with their marketing objectives.
Make sure that they are simply paying for the necessary marketing objectives.

Branding services for a software company in Alexandria

Udjat marketing agency teams developed a strong brand identity creating a solid brand (visual identity) by providing them with a logo to reflect their brand vision, elegant social media designs using it in advertising

Also producing other marketing materials that would help them to be considered a professional software company in Alexandria any business can count on.

Tech Hive. pioneers in their field

They can manage the whole process of business tech consulting in the most professional and effective way starting from business analysis and project planning by, defining the business the main goals and requirements,

suggesting more than one solution for every problem the business could face, moreover to profiling competitors while focusing on making the most use of resources without ignoring to control costs.

creating suitable and applicable plans for projects, and monitoring performance. ending by preparing reports for them and improvements to implement.

On the technical side, they work on designing and coding Software and then testing it to reach the limits of excellent quality then working on updating features going through Server management for software Live and Testing environments.

while offering user behavior and Problem reports and analyzing what needs to improve.

A helping hand for businesses

As a software company in Alexandria, they can make a huge impact on business offering what any businesses need whether it’s, designing and planning software systems from scratch or developing and improving existing ones, besides maintaining software systems to add help businesses add value that can make a difference.

because they have a strong team of clever developers and engineers. To sum up, they help every business to reach the next level.
they just need to know what is the business industry, goals, and size then, they do the technical work, in addition to a solid plan.

Tech hive services

Consultations services of tech hive software company in Alexandria
web development full stack services.
Mobile apps development
App store management
Native app development
Cross Platforms development.
Artificial intelligence and data analytics
IoT services
Emails and domains hosting and management services

Tech hive Clients

Tich hive served a numerous number of highly recommended companies around the world, with their services such as :

ZZABBAT(Cloud Accounting Solution)

Join Udjat Agency Now To start your journey with marketing and advertising for consulting services

 for software solutions, consulting services, tourism, food and beverage, retail, e-commerce,…etc, check our portfolio or contact us to get your next effective marketing strategy or the rest of marketing and branding services.

Human Resources & Content Creator at Udjat Agency | + posts

She's actually working in Human resources, but yet, Rana is one of the most talented people in creating content and analysing data. She's a multi-tasking talent that you can actually count on in every field and in any industry.

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